Preparing for your Lip Blush Appointment
For optimal healed results, it is important to follow the instructions below
Do not consume caffeine and alcohol 24 hours prior to your appointment to prevent excessive pain and bleeding
Do not take Advil or other blood thinners such as Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, and/or Ibuprofen unless medically necessary 48-72 hours prior to your procedure. Extra strength Tylenol can be taken if you have low pain tolerance
Avoid exercising the day of the procedure
Do not take or get any chemical peels, laser skin resurfacing, Vitamin E, retinol, fish oil, at least 4 weeks before your appointment
Please read the aftercare and arrange your schedule accordingly to the healing stage. There is downtime for every procedure
If your appointment is booked during an outbreak of cold sores on your lips, the procedure may not be done. Please be aware that if you have the Simplex Virus Herpes, you may awaken an outbreak following this treatment. It is highly recommended to take an anti-viral such as Zovirax 5 days before, the day of, and 5 days after the procedure; or as advised by your doctor or pharmacist
Do not get lip injections 4 weeks before and after this treatment
Pre Care
Please be advised that the healing process may take longer if you do not take proper precautionary measures​
​Immediately After
The area will feel a bit sore and will look quite intense. There may be some swelling and minor bruising that only lasts 1-2 days. Applying ice can reduce bruising and swelling
The day of Treatment
Fluid will leak from the tattoo to form scabs. You do not want this fluids to sit on your tattoo and form these scabs. You will want to wipe your tattoo every hour with a wet cotton round and pat the area dry to ensure no fluids sit and form scabs. When you wipe, you will see colour coming off onto the cotton round, this is normal!
You may ice the skin if it is feeling tender or swollen after the procedure. Wrap an ice pack or a zip lock bag of ice in a napkin and place it on the area for as long as desired. Wipe hourly, and reapply the given ointment.
Day 2-5
Do not touch your tattoo with dirty fingers, remember it is an open and healing wound. An infection could possibly ruin the tattoo
Don't get your tattoo too wet for too long. It will make the scabs soggy and easier to fall off prematurely. Remember, you want to keep the scabs on for as long as you can. Let them fall off naturally
Moisturize as often as possible with the recommended or provided ointment
Do not sleep on your face to avoid lifting the scabs prematurely and make sure you are sleeping on a clean pillowcase to avoid infection
Avoid harsh cleansers, creams, makeup or any products on the treated area until all the scabs have naturally fallen off. These things can jeopardize the healing of the tattoo
Don't pick, scratchy, or bite off the scabs. Let the scabs fall off naturally. Picking can cause scarring, loss of pigment, or an infection
Do not expose your tattoo to UV rays or tanning beds for 4 weeks after the procedure. These things can alter the appearance of your tattoo dramatically
Do not sweat on the tattoo until all the scabs have come off naturally. Sweat will take the pigment from your tattoo. If you sweat on them, dab it off immediately
Do not get any facials, Botox, chemical treatments, or microdermabrasion for 4 weeks post appointment
Do not eat anything too spicy or with too much citrus. Be careful when eating, not to rub any scabs off and try to drink through a straw
After Scabbing Phase
Once scabs have completely fallen off, you may apply makeup over the area and return back to normal routine.
Tattoo may have a milky/grey hue to it. This just means that the surface skin is healed but bottom layers still need more time to heal. The complete healing process takes 6 weeks. In 6 weeks, the true and final colour of the tattoo will show. It is only after 6 weeks that a touchup to a tattoo can be done.
Please note, tattoo will be softer and not as crisp when healed
Results will vary with each individual and are extremely dependent on your skin and how you care for it during healing. It may take more than one session to achieve the desired result
Once Fully Healed
It is strongly recommended that you DO NOT use any of the following on your tattoo:
Benzoyl Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
Glycolic Acid
Apple cider vinegar
Vitamin E & C
These products will lighten and fade your tattoo faster. We recommend wearing SPF to protect the colour as well. Salt water and chlorine can also deteriorate the pigment faster. Rinse with water after contact.